

A fast, composable, unstyled command menu for React applications.


  • Searchable Command Dialog: Command palette with search functionality.
  • Groupable Command List: Organize commands into groups with optional headings.
  • Selectable Items: Items support actions, selection, and checkmarks.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Navigate and select commands via keyboard.
  • Responsive Design: Adapts to various screen sizes.


The <Command /> component uses the cmdk component by pacocoursey.


npx duck-ui@latest add command


import {
} from '@/components/ui'
    <CommandInput placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
      <CommandEmpty>No results found.</CommandEmpty>
      <CommandGroup heading="Suggestions">
        <CommandItem>Search GitHub</CommandItem>
        <CommandItem>Search Twitter</CommandItem>
        <CommandItem>Search Discord</CommandItem>
      <CommandSeparator />
      <CommandGroup heading="Settings">

Here’s the documentation for the CommandListGroup component, formatted similarly to the previous examples:


CommandListGroup is a React component that renders a list of commands organized into groups. It provides options for grouping data, selecting items, and customizing the appearance and behavior of the list. This component is designed to support interactive lists with selectable items and optional grouping. For detailed information, refer to the API reference for CommandListGroupProps.

Example Usage:

import { CommandListGroup } from "@/components/ui";
const MyCommandList = () => {
  return (


The CommandListGroup component is designed to display a list of items grouped by specified sizes. It supports item selection, custom grouping, and various display options. This component is ideal for creating interactive lists where users can select items and view them organized in groups.

Key Features:

  • Grouping: Supports grouping items based on specified sizes, making it easy to organize and navigate through large lists.

  • Item Selection: Provides functionality for selecting items, with options for checkable items and callback handling.

  • Customizable Appearance: Allows for custom styling and additional features through props like className, checkabble, and type.

  • Dynamic Grouping: Adjusts grouping dynamically based on the provided group sizes, accommodating different data sets and requirements.

  • Interactive List: Enables interactive features such as selection and grouping, enhancing user experience with structured data.


List Group


To show the command menu in a dialog, use the <CommandDialog /> component, or use the <Button/> component with the command variant.

export function CommandMenu() {
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const down = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
      if (e.key === 'k' && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
        setOpen(open => !open)
    document.addEventListener('keydown', down)
    return () => document.removeEventListener('keydown', down)
  }, [])
  return (
      <CommandInput placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
        <CommandEmpty>No results found.</CommandEmpty>
        <CommandGroup heading="Suggestions">

API Reference


CommandListGroupDataType defines the structure of data used for each item in a command list group.

Key Properties

  • label (T, optional): Optional label for the item, where T extends keyof Record<string, unknown>. Provides a textual representation of the item.

  • element (ListItemElementType, optional): Optional element to render for the item, allowing for custom content or styling.

  • onSelect (OnSelectType, optional): Optional callback functions for selection events. Defines methods to handle item selection and clearing.


OnSelectType defines the callback functions for handling item selection and clearing in a command list.

Key Properties

  • key? (<T extends string>(arg?: T) => void): Callback function triggered when an item is selected. Takes an optional argument arg of type T (a string) to specify the selected item.

  • clear? (<T extends string>(arg?: T) => void): Callback function triggered when an item is cleared or deselected. Takes an optional argument arg of type T (a string) to specify the cleared item.


ListItemElementType extends the properties for rendering list items, combining features from CommandItem and Button.

Key Properties

  • Inherits all optional properties from React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandItem> and React.CustomComponentPropsWithRef<typeofButton>). Provides a flexible type for custom list item elements with button-like behavior or additional components.


CommandListGroupType defines the configuration for a command list group, including types, data, and selection behavior.

Key Properties

  • type ('combobox' | 'listbox', optional): Specifies the type of list group, where 'combobox' is a combo box and 'listbox' is a list box. Determines the interaction model.

  • data (CommandListGroupDataType[]): Array of data items for the command list group. Defines the list items and their properties.

  • group (number[], optional): Optional array of indices representing groups within the list. Allows for organizing items into sub-groups.

  • groupheading (string[], optional): Optional array of headings for each group, providing titles or labels for grouped items.

  • onSelect (OnSelectType, optional): Optional callback functions for handling selection events in the list group.

  • selected (string[]): Array of selected item identifiers. Manages the state of selected items within the list group.

  • className (string, optional): Optional CSS class name for styling the list group component.

  • checkabble (boolean, optional): When true, enables checkbox-like behavior for items in the list group, allowing multiple selections.

Command Component

The Command component wraps around CommandPrimitive, adding default styling.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the Command component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.

CommandDialogProps Interface

The CommandDialogProps interface extends the DialogProps for the CommandDialog component.

  • children (React.ReactNode): The content rendered inside the CommandDialog.
  • ...props (DialogProps): Additional properties passed to the Dialog component.

CommandInput Component

The CommandInput component provides an input field for searching within the command dialog.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the CommandInput component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Input>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.Input component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Input>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.Input.

CommandList Component

The CommandList component displays a list of command items.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the CommandList component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.List>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.List component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.List>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.List.

CommandEmpty Component

The CommandEmpty component displays a message when there are no items to show in the command list.

  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Empty>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.Empty component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Empty>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.Empty.

CommandGroup Component

The CommandGroup component groups related command items together.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the CommandGroup component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Group>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.Group component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Group>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.Group.

CommandSeparator Component

The CommandSeparator component provides a visual separator between command items.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the CommandSeparator component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Separator>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.Separator component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Separator>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.Separator.

CommandItem Component

The CommandItem component represents an individual command item.

  • className (string, optional): Custom CSS class names to apply to the CommandItem component.
  • ref (React.Ref<React.ElementRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Item>>): Ref to the CommandPrimitive.Item component.
  • ...props (React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof CommandPrimitive.Item>): Additional properties passed to CommandPrimitive.Item.