

A flexible header component that can include navigation, switcher, and footer elements.


  • Header Component: Provides a flexible header layout that can be customized with navigation, logos, and footer elements.

  • Collapsible Navigation: Supports both collapsible and non-collapsible navigation sections, adaptable to different layouts like side or top positions.

  • Customizable Positioning: Allows the header to be positioned at the top or side of the page, with appropriate layout adjustments.

  • Dynamic Footer Integration: Includes an optional footer section where custom buttons or elements can be added.

  • Logo Placement: Supports the inclusion of a logo, which can be placed dynamically based on the header's position.

  • Seamless Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with other UI components, such as NavGroup, Separator, and custom utilities like cn and filteredObject.

  • TypeScript Support: Strongly typed with TypeScript, ensuring type safety and autocompletion benefits during development.


npx duck-ui@latest add header 


import { Header, Button, TooltipProvider } from "@/components/ui"
import { ArrowRightFromLine, Home, Calendar } from 'lucide-react'
const data = [
    title: 'Home',
    route: '/home',
    children: 'Home',
    icon: <Home />,
    label: {
      children: '21',
    title: 'Calendar',
    route: '/calendar',
    children: 'Calendar',
    icon: <Calendar />,
    label: {
      children: '20',
const emails = [
  { email: '', icon: Mail, label: 'mail' },
  { email: '', icon: Cloudy, label: 'cloud' },
  { email: 'hannan@duck.du', icon: ServerCog, label: 'server' },
export default function HeaderMainDemo() {
  const open = true 
  return (
        <Header<typeof open>
            isCollabsed: open,
            className: 'border-r-border border-r-solid border-r h-[300px] justify-center',
            accounts: emails,
            navigationKeys: data,
            nav: {
              group: [1, 1],
              router: {},// use your router instance
              pathname: '',
            buttons: [
                icon={<ArrowRightFromLine />}
                className={cn('my-1 mx-2 justify-between', !open && 'w-[250px]', open && 'justify-center')}
                size={open ? 'icon' : 'default'}
                  //some actions


Top Header

API Reference


HeaderProps defines the properties for the header component, including navigation, logo, and footer elements.

Key Properties

  • header (HeaderType): Properties related to the header component, including any HTML attributes.

  • nav (NavGroupProps<T>): Navigation group properties that control the behavior and structure of the navigation menu.

  • logo (React.ReactElement, optional): An optional React element to display as the logo in the header.

  • footer (FooterType, optional): Footer buttons to be displayed in the header.


HeaderType defines the properties for the header component's behavior and appearance.

Key Properties

  • isCollapsed (boolean, optional): Determines if the header or related components are collapsed.

  • position ('side' or 'top'): The position of the navigation group.

  • ...props (React.HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>): Additional HTML attributes for the header.


FooterType defines the properties for the footer section of the header component.

Key Properties

  • buttons (React.ReactNode[]): An array of React nodes representing footer buttons.